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Current Campaign: Mentor Clubs of America 
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CPIC International

Christian Programs for Inner-City Children (CPIC International) has been mentoring inner-city black boys and leading the way on many key urban initiatives through various grassroots campaigns since 1996. Our work is focused on bringing awareness and support to programs CPIC International offers local coaches, volunteers and inner-city families.  It is through canvassing campaigns we are able to showcase our programs and build a support base for this work.


To put it simply, canvassing is what gives everyday people like you the chance to make a difference in a movement that gives CPIC International the power to accomplish our vision:


Vision: "To see urban center throughout the world impacted by the love of Jesus Christ".


Canvassing Initiatives

Over the years, skilled canvassers have met and spoken with tens of thousands of people at their homes. Through the art of good canvassing, CPIC International connects with good willed individuals who by the thousands take action and support our movement to empower the disenfranchised citizens of our state. 


The importance of canvassing cannot be overstated. All across Wisconsin, a simple knock on a neighborhood door can lead to a lively conversation about the crisis that faces our nation's inner-cities, result in a valuable donation, and enable individuals to make a difference on a campaign that affects the spiritual health of our state.


Our canvassers educate communities, solicit support and create long term relationships around our mission:


Mission: "To empower youth, families and communities by creating leadership opportunities that foster accountability, education, employment and service".  


Why Canvass Campaigns? 

Canvassing is CPIC International's lifeblood. It provides personal connections with caring individuals and empowers them to be part of the thousands of other CPIC International supporters who collectively strengthen our movement to provide quality programming to schools and families. 


What is our Current Campaign?

Our current initiative is Mentor Clubs of America. We are working toward gaining 1 Million Wisconsin Supporters to help facilitate local Mentor Clubs of America clubs for Inner-City black males. 


Schools and community centers in Milwaukee are failing our inner-city black males because they are not addressing the need for male role models. 


Understanding the cause and effect of being raised in a single parent household, the reason Wisconsin has a high drop-out rate and why Wisconsin leads the nation in the incarceration of black males is why we are organizing this initiative.


If Wisconsin's black males are going to change their trajectory from their current state of being "From the Cradle to Prison", we have to start by teach black boys how to be "From Being Mentored to Men".


This only can take place by organizing local mentor clubs for black males. If black boys are able to participate in these types of programs that pair them up with other youth and positive male role models, Mentor Clubs of America will be able to address these issues:  


Issue 1: High Rate of Single Parent Families


Over 70% of poor families with dependent black children are headed by single-mother families. 


Around 67% of all black boys are born in a single-parent home which makes them more likely to continue in poverty throughout their adulthood


Black boys growing up in single-parent households are much more likely to drop out of high school and less likely to find jobs with family sustaining wages as adults


Growing up in poverty for black males means a high future probability of being incarcerated and holding low-wage jobs


Wisconsin is spending billions of dollars on dealing with these issues.


Women, Poverty, and Economic Insecurity in Wisconsin and the Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis MSA


Marriage: Wisconsin's Number 1 Weapon Against Child Poverty 


Issue 2: High School Dropout Rate of Black Males


Wisconsin has been crippled by staggering drop-out rates of inner-city black teens.


Only 40% of the 47,000 black males enrolled in school will graduate.  This means 24,000 black males will not graduate in the next four years. 


Without the necessary skills needed to get a good paying job these boys will become men who will be a heavy burden on our state.


Black Male Graduation Rates


Issue 3: High Incarceration of Black Males


Wisconsin has the nation's highest incarceration rate of black males with 12.8% of the states black males in prison which is nearly double the national average. 


Wisconsin prisons are comprised of 41% black males. 


Wisconsin spends over $500,000 a day to incarcerated 5,631 African American men from Milwaukee County alone.    


One of the many reasons we currently lead the nation in this area is because black men have few male role models. 


Mentors help redirect wayward youth from a life of crime.  Learning how to work hard, being responsible and taking care of your family are learned traits. 


Without fathers and mentors black boys will become men who will continue to fill our prisons and cost taxes payers millions.


Statewide Imprisonment of Black Men in Wisconsin


 CPIC International 

PO Box 270042

Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

(414) 504-2430


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CPIC International
Subsidiary of MCCA - Minority Christian Coaches Association
158 Branch Street - Hartford, WI 53027